Friday, June 16, 2023

Explain the Number Function In Tableau?

 In Tableau, there are several different functions related to numbers that you can use in calculated columns. Here are some commonly used number functions in calculated columns:

1.SUM: Calculates the sum of a numeric field or expression across a specific dimension. It is                                  commonly used for aggregating numeric values. Example:


2.AVG: Calculates the average of a numeric field or expression. It helps find the average value of a                      dataset. Example:


3.MIN: Returns the minimum value of a numeric field or expression. It helps identify the smallest                         value within a dataset. Example:


4.MAX: Returns the maximum value of a numeric field or expression. It helps find the largest value in                     a dataset. Example:


5.ROUND: Rounds a numeric field or expression to a specified number of decimal places. Example:

                        ROUND([Price], 2)

6.INT: Converts a numeric value to an integer by truncating any decimal places. Example:


7.ABS: Returns the absolute value of a numeric field or expression, removing the sign and providing                    the positive magnitude. Example:

                ABS([Field1] - [Field2])

8.CEILING: Rounds a numeric field or expression up to the nearest integer or specified decimal                                 place. Example:


9.FLOOR: Rounds a numeric field or expression down to the nearest integer or specified decimal                                 place. Example:


10.LOG: Calculates the natural logarithm of a numeric field or expression. Example:


11.SQRT: Calculates the square root of a numeric field or expression. Example:


12.POWER: Raises a numeric field or expression to a specified power. Example:

                        POWER([Value], 2)

These are just a few examples of number functions that can be used in calculated columns in Tableau. There are many more functions available, depending on the specific calculations or manipulations you need to perform on your numerical data. The choice of function depends on the desired outcome and the nature of the analysis you're conducting.

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