Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Explain the String Function ' MID ' in Tableau with Example?

 In Tableau, the MID function is used to extract a substring from a given string based on the specified starting position and length. It allows you to retrieve a portion of text from a string, starting from a particular position and extending for a specified number of characters.

The syntax for the MID function in Tableau is as follows:

MID(string, start, length)

  • string is the source string from which you want to extract the substring.
  • start is the position at which the extraction should begin. The first character of the string is at position 1.
  • length is the number of characters to extract from the starting position.

Here's an example to illustrate the usage of the MID function in Tableau:

Let's say we have a dataset with a column called "Product Code," which contains alphanumeric codes of varying lengths. We want to extract a specific portion of the code based on the starting position and length.

Product Code





To extract the 4-character substring starting from the 3rd position in the "Product Code" column, we can use the MID function as follows:

MID([Product Code], 3, 4)

The result will be a new column with the extracted substrings:

Product Code                                             Extracted Code

AB12345678                                                                 1234

CD98765432                                                                  9876

EF54321678                                                                  5432

GH24681357                                                                   2468

In this example, the MID function extracts a 4-character substring from the "Product Code" column, starting from the 3rd position. As a result, we obtain a new column called "Extracted Code" that contains the extracted substrings.

Note that the MID function is case-sensitive, and if the specified starting position is beyond the length of the string, or the length exceeds the available characters from the starting position, the function will return an empty string.

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