Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Explain the different types of calculation available in tableau ?

 Certainly! Here are the different types of calculations in Tableau along with explanations and examples:

Basic Arithmetic Calculations:

These calculations involve basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Example: Profit = Sales - Expenses

Aggregation Calculations:

Aggregation calculations allow you to perform functions on a set of values, such as sum, average, minimum, maximum, or count.

Example: Average Sales = AVG([Sales])

Logical Calculations:

Logical calculations evaluate conditions and return boolean results (true or false) based on logical operators and comparison operators.

Example: High Revenue Flag = IF [Sales] > 10000 THEN 'High' ELSE 'Low' END

String Manipulation Calculations:

These calculations help manipulate and format text fields, allowing you to perform operations like concatenation, substring extraction, and case conversion.

Example: Full Name = [First Name] + ' ' + [Last Name]

Date and Time Calculations:

Date and time calculations allow you to work with temporal data, perform operations like date arithmetic, extract components, and format dates.

Example: Age = DATEDIFF('year', [Birthdate], TODAY())

Table Calculations:

Table calculations perform calculations within the context of a table or visualization, considering values within a specific scope.

Example: Running Total = RUNNING_SUM(SUM([Sales]))

Level of Detail (LOD) Calculations:

LOD calculations let you define a specific level of granularity or dimension to perform calculations on, independent of the visualization's level of detail.

Example: Average Sales by Region = { FIXED [Region] : AVG([Sales]) }

Conditional Calculations:

Conditional calculations evaluate logical conditions and return specific results based on those conditions.

Example: Profit Margin = IF [Sales] > 0 THEN [Profit] / [Sales] ELSE NULL END

Statistical Calculations:

Statistical calculations help perform statistical analysis on data, including functions like standard deviation, variance, and percentiles.

Example: Standard Deviation = STDEV([Sales])

Set Calculations:

Set calculations involve operations on sets, allowing you to create subsets of data based on specific conditions or criteria.

Example: In Set A = [Region] IN { 'East', 'West' }

These different types of calculations in Tableau offer immense flexibility in manipulating and analyzing your data, allowing you to gain insights and create meaningful visualizations.

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